Friday, April 23, 2010

Burning This Night Away

A couple of years ago, I assumed that this certain "thing" would just pass. You know, just one of those trivial things you did when you were young and you thought the world wasn't big enough for you to conquer. Or even similar to the things you'd tell yourself when you're in the mid-life stage, and you look back to those things that made up for one colorful youth. But hell, I was dead wrong.

I can't really remember the last time I did a post on this blog, but I would just like to make one thing clear - our internet connection wasn't shitty, and neither was our electrical system. You see, the truth is that for a summer break, it has become an irony that I need more than twenty-four hours a day just to satisfy myself with the things I'm doing. And the greater irony here would be that I'm actually enjoying myself. Despite the all-nighters, all the hibernation, and all the eye cells that have lost half their supposed lifespan because I never rest them, I actually am loving this thing I'm doing.

So you might ask what is it I'm rambling about, something I might have intrigued you with because I've been giving our superlatives without really mentioning any subject matter. And it is here I shall disappoint you if you were expecting me to share it out in the open. However, it would be shame to totally deprive you of knowing it, and because I like sharing to people, a clue would be enough information for now. Yes, that would mean that I'd divulge whatever addiction I have soon, just not right now. So here's the clue - the letter W.

So much for a build-up, right? ;p

Other things aside, these last few days have been real cool for me. First and foremost, I realized that I could still go on with my plan of opening senior year with long, uncut hair and even more unkempt facial hair. Yes, I shall literally take this whole "hibernating caveman" charade of mine, and the results that it will give still escape me. You see, this became possible when I chose to have a home-based OJT instead of going for the six-month contract of Alliance. It was a real bummer at first, but then I realized that going for the medical website would be better suited for long term planning. Plus, I get to help my mom in the store too, so that makes it even better.

On a personal note though, there are a few people I'll be missing (and one I already am). There's this one friend that's going back to Manila in a few days, and she won't be back until December. What makes it a bit harder to fathom is that we were supposed to meet up two days ago, but due to unplanned circumstances we weren't able to do so. So yeah, it'll be nine months until we can see each other personally again. Wishing you all the best bp! :)

To the information of everyone, the earliest day I shall get out of this house will be on May 18, and that would be because we need to pass a requirement for our summer practicum. Until then, I will be at home playing my role as the hibernating caveman and devoid myself of social responsibilities for a while. This should be fun.

Yes, I will miss a few people. But despite that longing, it seems it will all be for the better. I guess I need this time too.

i just long to see you right now.
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1 comment:

  1. Change has come to take it's place in the new chapter of your life. May you able to appreciate his presence and further grow in friendship with him. As for now I bid thee good night for Mr. Sandman is insistently pouring his grains of drowse in my humble sleeping abode.
